So Far and yet So Close

After Ton was invited to the Sayan Ring Festival 2005 in Shushenskoye (Siberia), as
a member of the jury, we decided to use the opportunity to visit the nearby Republic of Tuva. During a week-long trip we visited most places in that country which are accessible by car, together with our friend Petr Doruzka from Prague. Thanks to our friendly driver Mergen Ondar and his reliable Toyota, we were able to cover a lot of ground in just a few days and meet some interesting people.
On this site, you can trace our our trip via Moscow to Shushenskoye and around the Great Sayan Ring, from Abakan to the Tuvan capital of Kyzyl and back.

Bogusia Bretsznajder & Ton Maas, Amsterdam (



1. The road to Kyzyl and Kaa-Chem
2. Trip to Erzin
3. Returning to Kyzyl
4. Kongar-ol's cabinet
5. Trip to Ak-Dovurak
6. Back to Abakan



II. PART TWO: SHUSHENSKOYE (under construction)

III. PART THREE: MOSCOW (under construction)